

Spirituality principles, struggles, knowledge base and insights for the earnest seeker.

Spirituality and The Idea of One God

one god spiritualityAlmost all religions claim that there is one God. That would not be a problem if they could agree on which God it is. As it stands, all religions have different names for the one God. The one true God of all religions also have different appearances, temperaments, history and teachings. Although there are substantial number of people who believe that all these different Gods are one and same thing or person, that sentiment is not universally shared. As such every religion jealously protects its own God. In some countries court cases have been fought over who gets to call what God by what name. That kind of litigation destroys the notion that there is one God or that all the Gods are the same. Muslims do not accept that Allah and Brahma are the same God. Christians do not accept that Jesus and Allah are the same God. Jews do not accept that Yahweh and Buddha are the same God. For most religious believers only their God is the true God. All others Gods are false Gods. Therefore the idea that there is one God that is accepted by humanity is perhaps the biggest religious lie of all time.

In some countries court cases have been fought over who gets to call what God by what name. That kind of litigation destroys the notion that there is one God or that all the Gods are the same.

For those of us who practice spirituality, the number of Gods is inconsequential. Spirituality recognizes that God is all things to all men. For each person, his or her God is the only one that matters. Spirituality recognizes this and allow each to worship their own vision of God. Spirituality does not require nor need the visions of God to be the same. For the spiritual it is OK to believe in different Gods – or not believe in any God. What matters is the spiritual ideal – not the God ideal. It matters not if you want to immolate Jesus or Mohammad or Buddha or Krishna or even Carl Sagan. What matters is what qualities you are attempting to emulate. Compassion is the same – regardless of the source of its inspiration. Honesty is the same regardless if it comes from a Muslim or Christian or even an atheist. Spirituality seeks to unites men with a common framework of ideals – not a common dogma.

So as far as the spiritual are concerned, let the Gods be who and what they are. Live and let live is the motto of the spiritual. To each his own. The spiritual neither imposes their views about God on others and neither do they tolerate others who try to impose such views upon them. The spiritual will stand up for their right of everyone to worship the God of their understanding but the spiritual will also resist anyone trying to impose their idea of God on the rest of us. The spiritual may be meek but they are not weak. 

The spiritual will stand up for their right of everyone to worship the God of their understanding but the spiritual will also resist anyone trying to impose their idea of God on the rest of us.

If you are one who needs to believe that all the Gods are the same, than carry on believing it because that is what you need. But recognize too that your belief is not universally shared and that there are multitudes who would disagree with you. Take that into account as well. Do not ignore it for to do so would be burying one’s head in the sand. Understand that there is no universally acceptable definition of what God is or should be and that the human understanding about God is varied and will continue to remain so until the day when God decides to show him/her/it self to us.

A labor of love for the seeker – whoever you are and wherever you may be. May you find solace in these words.

Your brother in spirit

ben gill

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